Santa Barbara Drug Possession Attorney

Impact of a Drug Possession Conviction

The drug laws in California and the consequences for possession vary depending on the type and quantity of drugs connected to your offense. While most possession charges constitute a felony offense and carry with them serious prison time, fines, and a damaging criminal record, under some circumstances, possession is considered a misdemeanor. Misdemeanor possession includes being caught with a small quantity of marijuana, being under the influence of a drug, and being in possession of drug paraphernalia. No matter what the circumstances of your crime may have been, if you were charged with possession, it is absolutely essential that you speak to a Santa Barbara criminal defense lawyer from our firm immediately.

Fighting Possession Charges with a Drug Crimes Lawyer in Santa Barbara

While federal drug laws can be overly strict and unforgiving, California offers a number of drug related programs aimed at rehabilitating offenders instead of punishing them. Should conviction seem unavoidable, it may be in your best interest to pursue one of the following:

  • Under Proposition 36, an individual is required to complete a one-year drug treatment program. An expert from the Department of Health will evaluate your case and condition to determine your level of treatment.
  • In a one year drug court program, individuals will be placed on a 12 step program, participate in counseling sessions, undergo random drug tests, and face periodic judicial reviews.
  • A deferred entry of judgment is a diversion program in which you plead guilty to your possession charge then undergo 6 months of treatment. If you can remain arrest free for an additional 12 months after completing treatment, your charges will be dropped.

At Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP, our attorneys have extensive experience representing clients in all levels of drug possession cases. We have over 50 years of combined experience to draw from and have gained both local and national media attention for our past successes in the courtroom. Our firm was instrumental in the creation of Los Angeles County’s first juvenile justice drug court program , which was the first program of its kind in the country. Call our firm today to take the first step towards securing your freedom and avoiding the damaging effects of a drug possession conviction.

Drug possession is considered a serious offense that carries serious consequences. Contact a Santa Barbara drug crimes attorney today if you have been arrested for or charged with possession.

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