Santa Barbara Probation Violation Attorney

About Probation Violations

Meeting the requirements of probation after a misdemeanor or a felony conviction can be demanding. Whether you must report regularly to a probation officer (felony probation) or report periodically to the court (summary probation), probation officers, prosecutors and the court take a serious attitude concerning violations of probation conditions. We understand that anyone can make a mistake. It is vital that you don’t make a second mistake by trying to defend yourself without the assistance of a Santa Barbara criminal defense attorney who is ready to fight for you in your probation revocation hearing.

Probation Violation Lawyer in Santa Barbara

The terms of probation may include community service, drug or alcohol education or treatment, fines, restitution, remaining employed, regular drug testing, no new violations of the law, and other conditions. Violation of the terms of your probation can mean going to jail or prison to serve out the full term of your sentence. When an allegation of a probation violation is made, the court can issue an arrest warrant for the probationer and will hold a probation violation hearing (PVH) to hear evidence from both sides. Failure to appear will only make the situation worse. If a warrant has been issued for your arrest you urgently need to work closely with a probation violation defense lawyer with a track record of successful outcomes in probation revocation hearings.

At Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP, we defend people accused of probation violations throughout Montecito, Isla Vista, UCSB, Goleta and Carpinteria with great success in obtaining another chance on probation for our client. With 50 years of combined legal experience we take and aggressive stance and challenge the prosecution’s evidence. You can rely upon the commitment of a criminal defense lawyer at our firm to help you through the process to resolve your outstanding warrants and fight to keep you out of prison or jail.

If you have been accused of a probation violation, contact a Santa Barbara probation violation defense attorney at our firm for aggressive legal representation.

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For legal assistance from an attorney, call us at (805) 742-8869 or fill out the form below.

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